Software Inc.



Create your own headquarters

Buy plots in a huge map to create and customize your own building. No grid necessary, just make sure there's coffee.

Design your own products

Craft and manufacture software and hardware products, corner your market, defeat the competition, and make them work for you.

Manage your employees

Create and optimize teams of employees with different skills and demands to release products in a timely fashion. Why not poach a big shot lead designer from a competitor to give you the edge?

Simulate the market

Every playthrough of Software Inc. is different, as the market is simulated and randomized. Each action you take affects how history plays out.

Current features
  • Build, furnish, style and maintain office buildings up to ten stories + basement, on an enormous land, using a free-form building system with simple copy-paste tools
  • Hire employees to design, develop, support, update, research and market software and hardware in teams
  • Build roads, paths, bike racks and parking to ease commuting for your employees
  • Tend to your employees' needs, demands, skills and specializations, while making sure each team has compatibility and cohesion
  • Customize your own founder or split the company between a team of founders
  • Design and manufacture your own software and hardware products and franchises
  • Compete in a simulated and randomly populated market by selling your products, taking on contract work, creating patents, making deals and trading stocks
  • Set up your own servers for products, source control and running your own online store
  • Hire staff to repair your furniture and computers, clean your office, make food for your employees, transport goods, secure your offices or greet visitors
  • Mod what kind of software you can develop, add your own furniture, upload your building blueprints, add support for your language or write your own code to modify the game
  • Delegate important tasks to your team leaders, such as managing development cycles and human resources
  • Play against up to 3 other players in the same map or cooperate with your friends by delegating work tasks, manufacturing jobs and server hosting

Get the DRM-free version of Software Inc.

Software Inc. is currently in Early Access, meaning it is still under development. Core features are subject to change and the game might be unstable in areas.

The purchase includes:
  • Immediate access to the current version
  • All future updates
  • The final release
  • Windows, Mac and Linux builds
  • No ads and no In-app purchases, ever
The purchase does not include (Only available on Steam):
  • A Steam key
  • Cloud saves
  • Online multiplayer (This version is LAN only, and needs manual port forwarding for playing outside the local network)
  • Modding through the Steam Workshop

What does DRM-free mean?
DRM(Digital Rights Management)-free means the game does not include any anti-piracy measures, such as requiring an online connection or a key to unlock. You just download the game files and they are yours to keep forever.

Get Software Inc. on Steam


Beta 1.8.12 officially out


Full patch notes


  • Player can now pick subsidiary product specialization and subsidiaries will no longer count towards AI company limit in the market

  • Project management can now handle porting tasks

  • Added ability to pick cooldown between projects for project management

  • Increased Phone and Console prices

  • Rebalanced AI research strategy, modified by difficulty, where the highest difficulty will have almost everything patented

  • Rebalanced AI company expenses to even out bankruptcies between company types

  • A lot of columns have an added totals row in the list panels, which can be switched between sum, mean, median, min, max and range, depending on its value

  • You can now choose to disable pause or force max time speed when day time limit is up in multiplayer

  • The game will now try to auto-resolve a bankruptcy, if possible, when the player has neglected the bankruptcy warning

  • All future save files will now include a company logo in the thumbnail for easier identification

  • Added warning when a printer is blocked because of other boxes on the conveyor belt

  • All lights now become greyscale when activating a data overlay

  • Surveillance station can now be repaired while in use by security staff

  • Added a send home button to the team window, useful if you've changed a team's schedule and don't want them to finish their current shift

  • You can now place company logos on walls in basements

  • To increase save stability, the Tools and OSs variables of the SoftwareProduct class have been deprecated in favor of various getter and setter methods, so some code mods might break. Look for the Add, Get, Remove, Has and Count methods, if your mod breaks


  • Fixed cooks putting their arms inside their heads when zooming out...

  • Fixed bug that could make AI and project management order a huge amount of copies of an archived product

  • Fixed mismatched tooltips in product detail window

  • Fixed police drone permanently breaking rented buildings

  • Fixed game not updating alpha phase team assignments in design phase when renaming a team

  • Some optimization fixes for large saves that have a lot of lamps and many friendships per employee across teams

  • Fixed overlapping text on some tasks in grouped task mode

  • Fixed event timeline in product detail window not being consistent between tabs when units, income and reputation graphs end at different times

  • Fixed labels not being aligned in role management window when UI size is not 100%, 150% or 200%

  • Fixed project management porting tasks sticking around in project management window

  • Mentors and social leaders no longer add to the noise level of their target's environment (but adds more to everyone else's)

  • Fixed text in lists bleeding into neighbour columns

Patch notes for Beta 1.8.12


  • Player can now pick subsidiary product specialization and subsidiaries will no longer count towards AI company limit in the market

  • Increased Phone and Console prices

  • Rebalanced AI company expenses to even out bankruptcies between company types

  • You can now place company logos on walls in basements


  • Fixed labels not being aligned in role management window when UI size is not 100%, 150% or 200%

  • Fixed project management porting tasks sticking around in project management window

  • Mentors and social leaders no longer add to the noise level of their target's environment (but adds more to everyone else's)

  • Fixed text in lists bleeding into neighbour columns

Patch notes for Beta 1.8.11


This update will be on the unstable branch for a couple of days, since it makes changes to the save system.

Click here to see how to join the Unstable branch.


  • Project management can now handle porting tasks

  • Added ability to pick cooldown between projects for project management

  • Rebalanced AI research strategy, modified by difficulty, where the highest difficulty will have almost everything patented

  • A lot of columns have an added totals row in the list panels, which can be switched between sum, mean, median, min, max and range, depending on its value

  • You can now choose to disable pause or force max time speed when day time limit is up in multiplayer

  • The game will now try to auto-resolve a bankruptcy, if possible, when the player has neglected the bankruptcy warning

  • All future save files will now include a company logo in the thumbnail for easier identification

  • Added warning when a printer is blocked because of other boxes on the conveyor belt

  • All lights now become greyscale when activating a data overlay

  • Surveillance station can now be repaired while in use by security staff

  • Added a send home button to the team window, useful if you've changed a team's schedule and don't want them to finish their current shift

  • To increase save stability, the Tools and OSs variables of the SoftwareProduct class have been deprecated in favor of various getter and setter methods, so some code mods might break. Look for the Add, Get, Remove, Has and Count methods, if your mod breaks


  • Fixed cooks putting their arms inside their heads when zooming out...

  • Fixed bug that could make AI and project management order a huge amount of copies of an archived product

  • Fixed mismatched tooltips in product detail window

  • Fixed police drone permanently breaking rented buildings

  • Fixed game not updating alpha phase team assignments in design phase when renaming a team

  • Some optimization fixes for large saves that have a lot of lamps and many friendships per employee across teams

  • Fixed overlapping text on some tasks in grouped task mode

  • Fixed event timeline in product detail window not being consistent between tabs when units, income and reputation graphs end at different times

Patch notes for Beta 1.8.10



  • Added event to product timeline when IP is traded


  • Fixed printing deals not rewarding player immediatly when done

  • Fixed subsidiary takeover event in company timeline

  • Fixed floating headphones in mentoring situations

  • Fixed lead designer specializations hover menu sometimes showing previous selection's specializations

  • Workaround for a bug in the "Ultimate Difficulty" mod that inadvertently made the game very easy

Read all the news!
Font: Anke

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